Where do our haute couture fabrics come from?
Hello all
I introduce myself, my name is Élie and I founded My Little Coupon in April 2020. If you followed us on Instagram You must have seen me.

I decided to keep this logbook to answer the various questions you often ask us but I also found fun
and maybe interesting for some to tell you about the adventures of a whole Young entrepreneurial adventure.
Indeed, it seemed to me that in The world of sewing the border between Couture for fun and professional project secret was still very thin, isn't it?
Besides, if I have to ask you questions, do not hesitate to answer them in the comments, the exercise will only be more enriching.
The supply of our fabrics
Today I reveal my life a little under the prism of supply at My Little Coupon And I answer you to the question I often hear: is it possible to know what fashion house comes this or that reference?
Before all things, for those who would only know us very freshly, our brand My Little Coupon sells only quality fabrics sewing from the end of the big houses or prestigious production plants.
In other words, we are not responsible for any launch of fabric production in the sense that we believe that the quantity of surplus fabric stock present in the warehouses of major brands would largely serve to respond to a request for Amateur Couturier and even small creators.
In addition, the fabric quality in question represents a real bulwark against theplanned obsolescence Clothes, real environmental burdenin L'textile industry.
One quality fabric For a garment that lasts longer.
Let's go back to our rollers, the supply.
Purchases represent a big piece in our concept of revaluation.
It is a very time -consuming work which requires a lot of rigor in terms of
Prospecting and we are today very proud to count in our ranks Laure and Marc Veritables passionate, Denicheurs de Haute Couture chips.

(left it's Marc 😉 And me on the right, we were back from a stock visit to the Lyon region) and yes this job allows us to travel our pretty regions 🇫🇷!
The concept of My Little Coupon
We contact the brands by presenting Our concept. They are often very excited by our start -up!
Packed certainly, but the adventure is only just beginning ...
Director (EUR) of purchases, product manager, sustainable development manager so many interlocutors who have a lot of responsibilities, collections to launch, manage, to supply and shortly to devote us elsewhere, very often we are told to recall a few months later ...
Once the well -deserved appointment has been fixed some time later we are happy to visit superb materials in which we imagine your future creations.

Fabrics of all quality, big films, smallest, All kinds of fabric .
The fashion houses Being prestigious, we are often inclined to accept several conditions, such as a commitment to the entire sleeping stock (often important for a young SME like ours), quick loading and our best argue to create long -term confidence Total control of their brand image so prestigious, promising them by writeruse their names in any way for commercial purposes.
For the little anecdocte, we are also committed not to marketing a tissue tissue which would be sold to us inadmissions.
It is thanks to this Confidence installed that we can offer you today Our most beautiful fabrics.
Finally, we realized that presenting a fabric as coming from this or that brand was a real argument of sale for some as much as for others of a terrible lack of taste.
To tell you the truth, and perhaps in all lack of humility, I have the hope on a daily basis that our work as well as our fabrics speak for themselves and that the my Little Coupon service is not needed like commercial "boost".
I hope to have answered this question that I often see passing and that at the same time you like this exercise ... Do not hesitate to ask me other questions in the comments to which I will be very happy to answer through a new Episode of this logbook.
I tell you very quickly and wish you a good seam !
j’ai jamais commande chez vous mais c’est vrai qu’il y a des pépites , je passerais certainement commande dans quelques temps
J’ai acheté plusieurs coupons de popeline de coton. Jamais déçue ! Qualité au top. Il est impossible d’acheter un chemisier dans le commerce quand on a eu dans les mains ce genre de tissus. Bravo. On ne peut que s’appliquer dans la réalisation de son vêtement, il faut être à la hauteur, mais quelle fierté !
Bonjour Ellie
Je suis cliente et sincèrement vos tissus sont effectivement des tissus de qualité
En ce qui me concerne cela m’est bien égal de savoir de quelle marque provient le tissu du moment que la qualité est là
Alors continuez comme ça et nous serons au rendez-vous longtemps encore
A bientôt
Beau concept qui mérite d’être soutenu, je n’ai pas encore acheté chez vous mais je garde ça sous le coude pour la prochaine fois!
Merci, j’aime bcp le principe de savoir qui se cache derrière un site de tissus. Bonne continuation!
Bonjour, merci pour ce message.
Peut on savoir comment est défini une “maison de haute couture”, à partir de quoi ou quand considère t on affine marque est une grande maison/ qu’un tissu est haute couture ? Certaines enseignes chères dans la commerce semblent avoir revu à la baisse la qualité de leur tissu mais rester frontières ou considérées comme haute couture. Pour un amateur mais pas connaisseur, à quoi vos critères font ils référence? Merci beaucoup pour ces explications qui me permettront d’être plus éclairée !
J’ai découvert votre marqye récemment et je trouve votre concept très intéressant. Merci pour ces explications !
Super article, merci !