My Little Coupon was born in 2020. It results from the meeting of passionate people who aim to involve their talents in a common story.

All the materials we offer are sourced from end-of-stock from high fashion houses and very high-end ready-to-wear in France.

Whether it is sourcing, social media, or design, everyone brings their expertise to meet the demand for a noble product and responsible consumption.

I am convinced that fast fashion has had its time and that fashion must reinvent itself to continue to exist. I am very proud to support My Little Coupon in developing its concept in line with today's trends to endure tomorrow.


I am very happy to bring my 30 years of textile experience to this new adventure. I bring my passion for fabric to a young and dynamic team that is brimming with new ideas and aims to digitalize sectors that are dear to me.



Upcycling, or « surcyclage » in French, consists of recovering materials or objects to transform them into a new entity. Upcycling differs from classic recycling because it is no longer just about reusing but giving a new and higher value than the original.A more aesthetic goal, we enhance the product.

Did you know that the clothing industry is the second most polluting after the oil industry? While many sectors like transportation or food are making ecological strides, the textile industry is still far from reality.

Producing clothing consumes large amounts of water, uses many chemicals and pesticides while emitting greenhouse gases. In a world where ecological concerns are rightly becoming a major issue in the textile sector, upcycling is therefore an alternative that allows us to:

significantly reduce CO2 emissions
considerably reduce water consumption related to clothing creation
reduce unsold stock that is burned
limit the use of chemicals or pesticides

My Little Coupon offers materials that are only already on the market; we do not launch any production. Our coupons are entirely from end-of-series and not from collections; our references are not followed, there is no restocking.



Our purchasing service works every day to offer you new products, and our customer service is at your disposal to guide you in your purchases.
Do not hesitate to contact us at or via social networks.
We regularly offer many promo codes, as well as a systematic 10% discount for students (upon presentation of the student card).


Our purchasing manager has been in the field for over 40 years, and our supplier portfolio covers all the major houses of haute couture and French ready-to-wear. Committed to maintaining total control over their image, these renowned houses sign a confidentiality clause with us prohibiting the use of their names for commercial purposes. Today, we benefit from this established trust to offer you our finest fabrics.


With upcycling as our guiding principle, we constantly strive to find new solutions that are less harmful to the environment. We work every day to offer you a quality product while respecting your desire to consume responsibly. We prioritize short supply chains and only work with French brands that stock in France.