Do you start sewing?
Maybe you have already sewn accessories?
You wonder Which fabric to choose to start sewing ?
You are looking for a Easy to sew ?
When you start a new activity, it is not always easy to make your first choice of equipment.
In sewing, it is particularly difficult, at the start, to choose the right fabric ...
Depending on its sewing level and also depending on the sewing project that we want to sew.
But do not panic !
Just learn some very easy information to get started!
I am Sarah of the very sweet seam blog And I gathered here some tips for choosing an easy to sew fabric to start the seam.
I also give you a few tips to know before getting started as well as Some ideas for sewing patterns adapted to sewing beginners !
You can already light your Mac (sewing machine😊) But I warn you: sewing is a completely addictive hobby!
We can no longer get out when we start!😊
Easy to sewing fabrics to start sewing
When you start sewing, The choice of fabric Maybe a real headache.
We can have a crush on this or that fabric but we do not know very well what we could sew with or if it is Easy to sew.
You can also be tempted to buy low -cost fabrics to start in order to practice.
I would say that this is not necessarily a good idea: certainly, you should not start with a very precious fabric, but you still have to choose rather solid and durable materials: your first experience couture n ' will be more appreciable😊
You can consult the article " 6 good reasons to choose a quality fabric »To find out more about the subject😊
In terms of material, To start sewing, generally favors the Baumwolle.
There are several types of fabric in Baumwolle.
Here are the ones I recommend to start sewing (the list is not exhaustive).
The poplin of Baumwolle
The poplin of Baumwolle is one of the most common and therefore easy to find materials😊
It is used in particular for shirts, blouses, blouses but also for sewing accessories or children's or babies clothing.
It has the advantage of having the outfit, which is appreciable when you start sewing because it facilitates both the cut of the fabric and its handling under the sewing machine!
The fabric is light (but heavier than a sail of Baumwolle For example, which I do not recommend to start because it is more soft).
You can sew this fabric with a standard universal sewing machine needle in size 80.
Take care to test a fabric sample before getting started 😊
The canvas of Baumwolle
The canvases of Baumwolle are quite classic fabrics.
They are particularly suitable when you start sewing because they have a very good hold!
The canvas of Baumwolle is a rather steep material that will allow you to sew clothes and accessories that require structure, outfit.
As it is steep, you will have no difficulty positioning your fabric and cutting it well.
Likewise, it will be very simple to handle with a sewing machine.
The Cretonne of Baumwolle
Among the cottons that have the outfit and which are particularly stable for sewing, you can also choose the Cretonnes of Baumwolle. This is a canvas of Baumwolle heavier and steep than a poplin of Baumwolle.
The Cretonne of Baumwolle is ideal for making decorative objects, such as cushions!
If you are looking for even more thickness and stiffness for a more solid furnishings sewing project, you can choose to The Bachette of Baumwolle.
English embroidery or embroidered cottons
Just because we start sewing that we are not allowed to have fun with fabrics a little more worked than the simple poplins of Baumwolle (which can also have magnificent patterns and colors) 😊
English embroidery in 100% Baumwolle are perfect for that.
They can be slightly softer than poplin Baumwolle For example but embroidery generally gives a certain structure to the fabric.
The Chambray of Baumwolle
The Chambray of Baumwolle is also a fabric Relatively easy to sew.
It is most often found in indigo color (a bit like denim).
This is a material woven with a dyed wire (in indigo but there can be other colors) and a white thread, which gives it a somewhat bounted or moiré color.
It is used to sew shirts and blouses but also dresses or skirts or even pants.
The Chambray of Baumwolle Can be aesthetically like a denim but it is lighter and more flexible.
It has a good hold, which makes it quite easy to sew.
Gabardine of Baumwolle
Gabardine exists in several materials: woolen gabardines, Baumwolle, mixed or which contain elastane.
I recommend you, to start sewing, to favor gabardine of Baumwolle Or 100% polyester (not containing elastane).
It is a solid material that has the outfit.
It can be relatively thick: therefore choose sewing patterns that do not overlap too many layers of fabrics.
To start sewing, you can use the gabardine of Baumwolle To sew accessories such as bags or totebags for example😊
You will then see, during your progress in seam, that gabardine is a superb material for sewing trenches, jackets, pants.
I invite you to read the article dedicated to Gabardine on the blog of My little coupon.
You can find the selection of gabardines from end of collections of fashion houses right here.
Of course, as a first sewing project, I don't necessarily recommend sewing jeans!😊 (But nothing is impossible of course!)
We can use denim, which ultimately looks very much like gabardine (because of its armor called tongue and which forms diagonals in the weaving of the fabric) for several other sewing projects!
Denim is a solid, robust, steep material.
We easily cut this fabric which is not at all fleeting and with the sewing machine it does not move.
However, it can be quite thick.
Suddenly, I recommend that you choose, not too heavy and thick denims and to opt for a simple sewing project that does not require many tissue overlays.
Choose a special jeans needle and increases the width of your point (at 3 for example).
You can also choose a solid jeans solid thread.
Do not hesitate to make samples before you get started.
For more sewing inspiration with denim, I invite you to read this dedicated article.
I also invite you to take a look at the denim section of My little coupon just here.
A few fabrics and characteristics to avoid when you start sewing
I selected these different fabrics above because they have the outfit.
They will therefore be relatively easy to handle during ironing, cutting, and the passage under the doe foot of the sewing machine.
I have Some recommendations to make your task easier when you start sewing.
Avoid materials that contain elastane
When you are not too used to sewing and holding your fabrics properly, it is better to avoid the tissues that can stretch so as not to end up with a very distorted sewing project.
But, if you really want to sew your first t-shirt, you can quite take your courage in both hands (it is not an insurmountable mountain either!😊 ).
In this case, I recommend that you go on a jersey of Baumwolle average weight (200/225gr/m2).
Avoid patterns that require fittings
For your first sewing project, focus on the essentials : how to properly place your fabric and how to properly follow the different parts of the assembly.
It is better to avoid adding the difficulty of the connection of the tiles, scratches and different patterns that need to be connected to the different parts of the sewing model.
You can get into the tiles and scratches when you have carried out some sewing projects!
But of course, you decide! You can completely challenge yourself from your first sewing project.
I just recommend that you do not put the bar too high in order to motivate you for the future and that your first sewing project does not take you forever!😊
Avoid fabrics that have an identical or similar place
When you start sewing it is not always easy to understand the assembly of sewing projects because of this notion of place and backwards.
Most of the time, we place our rooms against the place; This means that when the project is returned the seams are hidden inside.
In fact, there is no point in adding the difficulty of fabrics that have a place and a too similar or even identical reverse.
It is better to go on a fabric which is easily spotted the place from the reverse so as not to tangle the brushes, at the risk of sewing rooms in the wrong direction.
Avoid too fluid tissues
Among the different fabrics offered, I did not voluntarily put the veil of Baumwolle. It is a very light fabric that is often transparent.
Its transparency means that the seams must be well mastered so that the rendering is pretty. We often make English seams in this case.
In addition to that, the fabric is more fließend And suddenly more difficult to handle.
For viscoses, satins, bristles; Better to choose them after sewing several sewing projects.
The fabric slides when it is placed when cutting and it can also be fleeing from the sewing machine.
These are materials that give a nice fall to the clothes and which are not insurmountable either to sew.
But for a first sewing project, I do not recommend them.
Avoid the materials and patterns that have a sense of cutting
For your first choice of fabric, I recommend that you avoid materials that have a cutting sense.
I am thinking in particular of velvet. All parts must be cut in the same direction when deciding to sew the velvet.
Otherwise it can be seen very clearly depending on the light and you will have different shades of color and marked on your sewing project.
As for the patterns, I spoke above the fittings but you also have patterns that have a sense of cut.
For example, if you choose a poplin of Baumwolle With patterns of frogs, you must take care to cut your pieces so that the frogs are always in the same direction!😊
The basic concepts to know to handle your fabric when you start sewing
Once you have chosen your fabric, you will have to handle it.
For this, there are a few notions of basics to know.
What is the layman of a fabric?
This is simply its width.
There are several different fabric widths but the most common is 140cm.
Suddenly, if, for example, you want to order 2 meters of fabric, you will, in reality a coupon of rectangular fabric measuring 140x200cm.
Depending on the model you want to make, it may be very important to check the size of the Laize which can vary from 110cm to 160cm or even 280cm in the furnishings.
What is the edge of a fabric?
If you take your fabric in its width (and therefore its Laize), you will have 2 borders on both sides which form a kind of delimitation compared to the rest of the fabric.
These two borders are the edge of the fabric.
They will be very important in cutting your fabric because they will help you know your right (which I explain below what it is used for😊 )
Most of the time, to place your pattern on your fabric, it will first have to fold your fabric in 2 place against the place by putting your edges on board.
What is wire law?
Imagine your fabric like a grid.
This grid is made up of wires.
You are going to have threads that will be parallel to the edge (these are the chain threads) and the sons that will be perpendicular to the edge (the frame threads).
The line law corresponds to the chain wires, that is to say that it is parallel to the edge of the fabric.
You probably wonder What is the point of talking about law wireless ?
Well, you will see that, on most sewing patterns, there is a line drawn with arrows.
You will have to place your boss's piece so that the line marked on it is parallel to the edge of your fabric.
This is what will guide you to properly place your boss's pieces on your fabric!
What should we do once you have chosen your fabric?
When you just bought a nice fabric or when you just received your precious fabric package, you have only one idea in mind: Coutuuuuure!
We are in a hurry to cut our pretty coupon and pass it under the machine to finally have it in your wardrobe!
However, you have to know how to control your starting frenzy so as not to be too disappointed then😊
1time Step: Wash your fabric!
At the first wash, most fabrics shrink! Some shrink more than others but it is very important to go through this first step to sew on good bases!😊
For the fabrics that tend to decide, you can also, beforehand, make a zig-zag point on both sides of your fabric so that it does not come out of the all-sized machine.
2th Step: Return your fabric!
It is very important to have a well -ironed fabric before cutting the different parts of your sewing pattern!
The fabric must be flat and without folds or frustue when you cut. Otherwise the different cut parts are likely to have the wrong measures and no longer coincide with each other: your Cousette will not be successful at all.
Watch over also go back to each sewing stage. Ironing is really guarantor of clean and clear work😊
If you are not very comfortable yet with the cutting of the fabrics and if you wonder How to place or read a sewing pattern, I had detailed an article on the subject, which you can find here.
7 easy patterns ideas to start sewing
To sew your first projects, I recommend that you choose sewing patterns that are also available in pockets or when you can print in A0 actual size format.
Most patterns exist in PDF or pocket format.
For PDFs, you often have the choice to print them at home in A4, then tape the different pieces in order to recreate the boss at home like a puzzle.
This step is quite tedious and above all you can make mistakes, especially when you start.
We can make a first error in terms of printing (because it must be printed on a 100%scale) and also in the assembly of the different sheets of paper and create offsets which will make your first sewing project quite disappointing and tedious.
I selected here a few sewing patterns that seem accessible to me to start And which exist either in pouch format or in A0 format to have printed printer printed.
The list is not exhaustive of course! :)
Small boss accessories
For a first sewing project, you can go on accessories.
And I find the accessories offered by small boss particularly suitable.
The little boss's Malo bag
It’s a perfect pattern to start sewing! In addition to being very useful, it is free!
Flap pockets
There are 3 models in 1 in this sewing pattern. These pockets allow you to learn how to put your first zippers and understand the concept of the flap😊
The Claudine of Petit Patron Cols
You have 4 models of Claudine passes in 1 in this sewing pattern.
You can make them in poplins of Baumwolle For example.
These are quick and easy to sew and therefore perfect projects to start sewing!
As the brand indicates: "The pass is an ideal project to start sewing and learn the basics: right sewing, notch, return and make a slipped point. »»
Mouna Sew's top confidence
As its name suggests, Mouna Sew's top confidence is intended to make you gain in seam!
This is a very easy to sew model, especially for version A which has no details in the back.
You will be able to be proud to sew your first garment!
You can find this boss right here
My special beginner selection at Atelier des Première
At workshop of the first there are several patterns which are simple enough to start sewing.
For having already tested several of its patterns, I find that the explanatory booklets are really detailed and adapted when you start sewing.
Here are 2 models that I recommend to start:
The Laura Blouse of the first workshop
The Laura blouse has a simple cut: it is a very good basic to have in its wardrobe.
The boss is accessible to sewing beginners. This can be an opportunity to put on your first rounds!
In addition, you have a video to help yourself in mounting the blouse.
You can find this sewing pattern here.
The SARA SARA skirt of the first
As Julie says, the workshop founder of the first, Sara is the ideal skirt to start sewing!
It is an elasticated skirt, very pleasant to wear and that will allow you to learn to make your first elastic slide!
You can choose sewing in short or long version.
The top of Ose of Patterns
If you want to start and progress in sewing clothing, I highly recommend the brand Ose Patterns!
Its designer, Monty, offers ultra -complete and ultra -detailed explanations of explanations (I have never seen such complete) to help you make each model.
The high breeding is particularly suitable for sewing beginners.
This is an original straps top that you will be able to decline according to different options.
What fabrics to choose to start sewing? The final word 😊
Bravo for this new adventure!
Starting sewing is a very good initiative and, contrary to what we imagine at the start, it is not a complicated activity!
It is of course necessary to concentrate and persevere but you can very quickly obtain very pretty achievements (often called "Cousettes" in the benevolent universe of the installment😊)
I hope this little non -exhaustive list of easy patterns to start will help you get started!
Just throw yourself in the water and choose the right fabric.
Now that you know what a edge, a line, a Laize ...
That you know that doing once you have chosen your fabric, and you know which fabrics are better suited when you start sewing, you just have to get started!
And I let you observe the different cottonnades that My little coupon Offer right here 😊
Good seam and see you soon on the networks!
Sarah @todotoutdoux
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