First of all, can you introduce yourself, where do you come from, what are you doing in life?
Hello, my name is Céline, I am 47 years old and I have lived in Brittany for quite a few years! For 15 years I have created the job that looks like me: I am a blogger, content creator on the Internet (editorial, photo & video) and I work at the university in license and master communication about social networks.
How long have you been sewing? Where does this passion for sewing come from?
I took some sewing classes In 2009, but I ended up giving up for many years. The click returned in 2018-2019, When I sewed my first clothes. Successive confinements have finished returning me addicted to my sewing machine !
How did you learn, what are the advice you give to a beginner?
Apart from a few basic courses a few years ago, I mainly learned alone, looking at tutorials on YouTube and social networks. The best advice I would give to a beginner is to get started, of course! And take the time ... Couture is not just passing your fabric under your machine! There is the whole preparation part of the pattern, cutting the fabrics, and the finishes. It takes time, but I love it, it's really part of the pleasure of sewing.
Where did you come from the idea of "Mercipourlechocolat"? And especially why this too cute blog name?
Ohlala, it's an old story! I opened my blog when I was a young mother of my 3rd child ... It was in 2006 (it did not rejuvenate us!) And I was addicted to chocolate. So I told him thank you for helping me hold out;)
What is your blog talking about? How would you define the universe of your blog? What subject do you prefer to write the most?
My blog is multi-thematics, and he grew up with me. At the start, I mainly talked about My life as a young mother, early childhood. Then my children grew up, and I talked about more generally female subjects, DIY, of decor, beauty ... a happy very lifestyle tote!
As early as 2012, he took a very traveling orientation, until the Covid crisis. Since then it has been very sewing, my current passion, with always filigree my everyday life.
We could see that you were very active on social networks, your blog which also talks about cooking, lifestyle among others, how do you manage to manage your time, is this a very time-consuming activity?
Yes, it's very time -consuming! I write one to two articles a week on the blog, and there are also social networks with a lot of publications for me, and also for my different customers. It’s a full -time job!
What is your first sewing creation?
The very first is a patchwork cushion Sewn hand, over 20 years ago! And my first garment is a big Tenncel skirt. It was not a fabric very suitable for a beginner, but after hours in Pester, I got out of it! Fortunately, just after, I sewed a blouse in a very pretty Baumwolle, much easier to sew. This is how I caught the sewing virus!
Are you part of the 100% hand-sewn dressing clan?
Not yet, but I would like it! I have already sewn a lot of pieces, I still miss jeans, a coat, a swimsuit, and it's good, I would have tested everything 🙂
Do you feel concerned by the concept of “responsible sewing”?
Absolutely ! It is very important for me to stay reasonable in my purchases, to avoid piling up fabric without project behind. I am also very vigilant on materials: I favor natural materials, I avoid viscose, polyester, etc. as much as possible, etc. And if the fabrics are upcycled, it's even better!
What is your latest sewing creation?
A bat sweat in a pretty printed fleece that I haven't taken a picture yet. And a double gauze top of Baumwolle Embroidered, for the holiday season.
The one you are most proud of?
Maybe my CHUT CHARLOTTE BOMBERS, it was my first jacket / my first jacket, there were so many pieces to sew !! I took a long time to finish it but the result was really worth it

Team The fabric does the project or team The project makes the fabric?
With me, this is the project that takes precedence, once decided I am looking for the fabric that will go well. And if I crack on a fabric according to my walks in the store or on the web, because it can happen, of course, I have to associate an illico project before deciding to buy it.
Do you think you want to do your job one day?
No, I do not think so. Already, I sew very slowly! And I really want it to remain a pleasure. Sew for me, and those I love, is enough for me.
What do you think of my little coupon And its concept of upcycling?
I adore ! Make new with old, Bring back dormant stocks, It's awesome. And have access to incredible fabrics, high quality, at very accessible prices and without additional shipping costs, it's really cool.
The final word ?
Thank you for this little moment of sharing! And see you soon on my blog and on the networks 🙂
My blog : here
My Pinterest: here
My Instagram: here
My Twitter: here
My facebook : here
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