Are you addicted to sewing?
Are you sewing your clothes yourself?
You dream in secret (or maybe not in secret by the way😉 ) to create your own creative brand?
Or find a creative job that allows you to become professional seamstress ?
Whatever your age and level of sewing: with envy, motivation and determination, anything is possible!
The sewing is for many a real therapy: like a time out of time through which one exercises its creativity and through which one takes confidence in oneself, in its capacities.
These feelings of personal pride and accomplishment can make you want to sew your job.
At the house of My little coupon, we meet on a daily basis Couture enthusiasts who dared to take the step of professional retraining.
Some have started and create very beautiful models with our fabrics.
If exercising a passion job in the sewing world makes you dream, we have identified for you 8 trades ideas to become a professional seamstress!Become a professional seamstress: what to have in mind before getting started
If you want to get started and create your brand
If getting into a job out of passion for sewing can make you dream, we must still keep in mind that we have, at the start, a somewhat idealized vision of the seamstress profession.
When you go from amateur to sewing professional, it must be taken into account that it involves passing much less time than expected in front of its sewing machine !
Especially when you decide to get on your own.
Because it also involves real entrepreneurial work: administrative tasks, S.A.V service, communication, order management ...
And often, when we start alone, we are the only ones to assume all the caps.
It is therefore necessary to have great patience and iron determination to embark on such a project.
However, if creating your tailor-made profession requires some sacrifices, it can be a great opportunity to realize your dreams!
If we want to find a seamstress contract in a company
You can also completely become a professional seamstress (or professional designer of course) without wanting to be on your own.
In case, you must succeed in finding the right company that will allow you to flourish and exercise your creative desires according to your desires.
Small or large companies: There are more job offers than you might think in sewing!
At the time of confinements, France realized the lack of sewing training: when French and local companies wanted to recruit mass seamstresses to sew masks, they confronted a real shortage of know-how TO DO.
This is one of the consequences of globalization in recent decades.
Take note, however, that when you sew all day long for a business, it is more difficult to find creative energy to sew for yourself.
If your big passion is to sew your own clothes, this alternative may not be the most suitable for your personal development😊.
You can't find his job dreamed of the first time.
Knowing that you want to work in sewing is already a first step.
It only remains to test professions, think about the one that is most suited to our needs and our desires and refine over time to find the right balance!
As we said above, there are several trades to become a full -time seamstress.
We have made a non -exhaustive list to present these creative professions to you.
We hope that they will inspire you and that they will allow you to dare to take the step that you dream of taking for some time!
1. Become a stylist/professional model maker
You can be a stylist/model maker without knowing how to sew.
But it is still quite rare: you have to have at least concepts of sewing to design viable and technical clothing on the technical level.
The stylist/model maker is a bit The architect of clothing.
This is the person who will create clothing models while taking into account the specifications of a company or his own business.
This is a job that requires being sensitive to the analysis of trends in fashion, to know how to anticipate trends as well.
You can become a fashion designer in ready-to-wear, in haute couture, or else to draw your own collection of clothes.
It is a job that involves multiple skills, in addition to that of fashion and trends analysis.
You have to be comfortable with several software, with the Fashion sketch And be able to prototyper your own models.
This job is particularly exciting when you like research, fashion and when you like to be inspired by materials to create models and know how to associate them.
There are many training courses to become a fashion designer; From BTS when you follow a more classic course to the many training courses provided for adults.
We can absolutely Become a model maker in self -taught If we show a lot of determination and motivation to train and understand all the specificities of this exciting job!
2. Become creator of sewing patterns
Burda & Vogue were for many years the icons of the sewing boss to sew his clothes at home.
But for several years, the DIY tendency helping, have emerged many independent sewing patterns creators.
Their goal ? Creating models that amateur seamstresses and seamstresses can easily sew at home, with a family sewing machine.
Creating your sewing patterns is knowing Show a lot of pedagogy Because you have to be able to explain to the general public the foundations of the creation of clothing.
This implies Train in patronage and gradation Because you have to be able to offer several sizes.
You can specialize and create clothing patterns only for large sizes, or only for women, men, children, babies or only sewing patterns to create home accessories yourself.
It is a passion job that can make you dream and that can be ultra -fulfilling.
However, you have to keep in mind, as we said above, that it remains an entrepreneurial profession through which you will sew less than you wish.
On the site, we have Several sewing patterns of different creators of independent bosses.
3. Sewing teacher
In the same line as the creators of patterns, you can also become a sewing teacher!
If you are a pedagogue and you want to share your passion, you could please you!
You can become sewing teacher in different ways:
- By giving home sewing lessons if you like proximity to your students
- By opening your own workshop to give sewing lessons
- By giving lessons in a training organization or a high school type establishment
- By creating online training
- By giving live lessons
All ideas are allowed!
There are many platforms to learn sewing. One of the best known in the DIY field is Artesane.
There are a lot of addicts to sewing and DIY who only ask to learn and improve.
Bring your expertise to sewing beginners and create your tailor-made profession!
4. Costumier/costume designer
Do you like the scene, the shows, the films?
Become a costume designer or filming!
This is an opportunity to sew material and imagine completely crazy sewing projects! Of those you will never have the opportunity to sew in everyday life.
You can exercise this profession on your account or then obtain contracts with the costumers of theaters, operas, ballets, filming.
We are often considered intermittent of the show when we exercise the profession of costume designer but we can also make it your business and specialize, for example in costumes for dance schools, or cosplay costumes or for parks attraction.
There are many more possibilities than you think in this really ultra -creative type of niche.
The world of possibilities is open.
It's up to you to make your place!
There are many training courses to become seamstresses or seamstresses of the costume, such as the complementary training art and live show of Avignon! Ultra -famous city for the theater and the scene!
5. Creator of wedding dresses or ceremonies
As we said above, there are really many trades that touch on sewing.
If you like to sew very beautiful materials and make very pretty finishes, the job of creator of wedding dresses may please you!
It is a job that combines the know-how of a fashion designer for the tailor-made patronage of clothes and that of professional seamstress for the making of models.
If you like the sourcing of beautiful materials, this job is undoubtedly for you.
You will be able to create collections of dresses from year to year and create unique pieces for your brides, their image and their measurements.
This job is similar to haute couture and will allow you to flourish both creative and technical.
It is often a job that we exercise on your own account, which is also to be taken into account in the choice of the profession😊
6. Become a retouching seamstress
It is a job that we often leave aside, because we do not like too much, very schematically, hem.
Yet it is a very useful job in which demand is strong.
And whenWe like upcycling, as in My little coupon, it is a job that has beautiful values: Repair not to throw away and to make it last!
It involves a lot of resourcefulness because sometimes, to touch up a garment, you cannot always do it in the rules of the art.
But being able to repair a zipper, restore buttons, also adjust clothes to the morphology of customers, be the magician who will make clothes last, it is a really enriching experience.
If you are currently training in sewing with the idea of doing your job, we advise you to do an internship in a retouching workshop.
The back of the decor is often surprising and it is a very pleasant atmosphere to sew and repair clothes with others!
7. Creator or textile creator
If you love sewing and you want to sell your creations on an online store, on physical sale or even on Etsy For example, you can create your brand of textile creations!
You can, for example, create a hand -sewn clothing capsule collection.
We are working with several fashion designers wishing to develop clothing collections without producing new fabrics.
It is the concept of My little coupon : We put fabrics from you from the ends of fashion houses for you so that you can revalue them.
These are always very good quality fabrics, in very limited quantities that will allow you to create your collections.
If you are sensitive to zero waste or accessory creations, it can also be the subject of a nice brand to become a creator and professional seamstress.
This type of profession requires many caps: design, sourcing, making, order preparation, communication, participation in events.
It is a fulfilling job but also very time -consuming but guided by passion, very often, we do not see time passing!
8. Content or influencer creator in sewing
Do you love sewing and you love social networks?
You can become creator or content creator in the sewing and DIY niche.
It is a fairly recent job when compared to the more traditional seamstress profession.
He asks to be creative at all points of view: in sewing, fabrics, fashion and in creation of photo content, video, blogging ...
We must also build a community over the months and build a solid relationship, of confidence both with your subscribers but also with the brands with which we want to collaborate.
You have to be persevering, learn to manage your emotions (social networks are real roller coaster in terms of performance) and also gain self -confidence to succeed in obtaining interesting contracts with the brands with which we want to work.
It’s a job that takes time to set up. So you have to move on motivation and patience but nothing is inaccessible when you are motivated and determined!
Become a professional seamstress: the word of the end
If you dream of sewing your job, the choices are multiple.
We have drawn up a list of non -exhaustive trades ideas. There are obviously many others.
Like clothing, you can also create a tailor-made profession.
It takes time, energy, determination but we have only one life to realize our dreams!
If you liked this article, do not hesitate to register for the newsletter at the bottom of the page to remain informed of the new fabrics and blogging!
Good seam, see you soon!
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J’aime beaucoup🤗
bonjour. je suis une femme marocaine âgée de 56 ans. je suis à la retraite et je souhaite apprendre la couture. je veux être capable de prendre des mesures, réaliser des patrons, couper le tissu…..est-ce que vous assurez des cours en ligne et est-ce possible ?
Merci beaucoup pour tous les conseils.
Merci pour cet article qui est vraiment très intéressant ! Ça me permet d’y voir un plus clair, si je me lance dans une reconversion professionnelle.
Ma question est de savoir comment y parvenir : est-ce qu’il est juste nécessaire d’avoir un Cap couture pour tous ces métiers ? Quelle plateforme sérieuse recommandez vous ? Merci pour votre réponse !
Merci pour cet article qui est vraiment très intéressant ! Ça me permet d’y voir un plus clair, si je me lance dans une reconversion professionnelle.
Ma question est de savoir comment y parvenir : est-ce qu’il est juste nécessaire d’avoir un Cap couture pour tous ces métiers ? Quelle plateforme sérieuse recommandez vous ? Merci pour votre réponse !
Très intéressant ! Je prépare mon Cap couture avec youschool, par correspondance, je réfléchis transformer ma micro entreprise # le rêve à Jojo # , mais pour l’instant… Je suis un peu dans le flou…les costumes de scène, les vêtements de cérémonie, les coussins… Je ne sais pas trop
Très intéressant