Cha'Coud sewing pattern

How to better define sewing patterns of Charlotte than by Charlotte herself?  "It all started ten years ago, one fine day in July, in the country house of my grandparents. This house which houses many childhood memories, the place where all
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How to better define sewing patterns of Charlotte than by Charlotte herself? 

"It all started ten years ago, one fine day in July, in the country house of my grandparents. This house which houses many childhood memories, the place where all the follies are allowed, all the Possible dreams. Where, child, I nibbled the strawberries in the garden, picked up the plums, raised the snails, stained and torn my clothes by dint of explorations.

It was in this house that I touched my first sewing machine, that of my grandmother. The story is quite banal; Many fell in sewing because their mother or grandmother was a seamstress.

On vacation with my grandparents, I asked my grandmother to teach me to sew. I immediately got a taste for it! I started by sewing accessories, bags, kits ... But I wanted to go further, I saw sewing as a source of infinite discovery and creativity!

That same year, at Christmas, my parents offered me my first sewing machine.
I immediately experienced the garment. My mom, strong from the solid bases that my grandmother had transmitted to her, accompanied me to understand the bosses and read the assembly notices.

My first garment was a skirt. I brought it to countless opportunities, I was so proud! Today, my eyes suffer when I look at his finishes, but the first hand -sewn garment is sacred!

Then everything went very quickly. I was 13 years old, a crazy desire to develop

My creativity and my technique in sewing. I wanted to make it my job, I was certain! But at this age, it is difficult to convince his parents that we found his way. In addition, this engaged, in my case, a specific course in a vocational high school a thousand leagues from the house.

After many conversations, they ended up believing in my motivation and trusted me. At the end of college, I put my luggage in Lyon, where I studied fashion and clothing for five years. First via a professional baccalaureate during which I learned all the bases of sewing, modeling, knowledge of textiles ... I continued by a BTS to complete my knowledge on the origin of fabrics, production and cost of a product. A more industrial axis of the profession which goes far beyond the artisanal manufacture of a garment.

In parallel, I started to feed a Facebook page with my creations, a little in the form of a book. And what does Charlotte do with her days? "Cha’ Coud "...

During these years of study, I rubbed shoulders, as an intern, of ready -to -wear companies, wedding dresses houses, small and large -scale structures. This universe kept filling me.

After obtaining my BTS, I wanted to go further, I was always thirsty to learn. There are so many materials, typologies of product, structures, quality grades ... a professional license alternating in a large mountain clothing company - I who have never finished a hike - allowed me to continue my way. I worked at the design office with great curiosity, I discovered a very different textile universe. But I quickly realized that the touch of femininity, the prints and the adjusted cuts were missing ...


Cha ’Coud met with a little success on social networks and I received more and more comments from people frustrated at not being able to make the same dress as me because ... the pattern was homemade. An autumn, when I was again in the country house of my childhood, where all dreams are possible, I said to myself: "Marketing my bosses? Chick! »»

The adventure began in November 2018. The EMA shorts entered. It is marketed with a patterns dealer and is sold rather well. Other bosses follow ... I worked on new models when I wanted to, when I had time. I liked it and pleased others.

I finished my course with a training in lingerie, corserie and seaside. A universe whose noble, openwork, elastic materials have been attracting me for a long time.
This training was led by professionals in the community, which made experience even more real. I liked to work a product that enters the woman's intimacy, a work full of small details to which we pay special attention.

I expanded my know-how and knowledge during these seven years of study, crossing the path of seven different companies. 

Then came the time to wonder: "And now, what?" What do you want to do ? Where do you want to be? »»

I wanted to learn, I wanted to know and transmit; I wanted to try, cheat, perfect. What if I became master of the situation? What if I was trying to really develop the cha ’coud bosses, to devote all my time and all my energy to it?

So, I threw myself into the water. I continue to learn every day by launching challenges: new materials, new cuts, new lenses. I can do it, it's my job, I learned it and implemented for several years.

I transmit this knowledge by marketing my patterns and their assembly guide to passionate seamstresses. I try new patronage or finish techniques with each new model. I'm still wrong, and sometimes on basic knowledge; It doesn't prevent me from starting again with enthusiasm. With each new collection, I perfection my explanations and the finishes of my models.

By dedicating myself full time to the creation of my patterns, I fulfill all my goals! I lead the professional life that I dreamed of having. Entrepreneurship had never seemed obvious to me-it is an additional job for my profession as a model-modernist, for which I had to train, inform myself. But I find this experience full of riches, and I am sure, today, to be in my place.

My job is for me a source of learning and permanent exploration. Today I feel an immense pleasure in sharing my universe with you through my patterns who sign for me, symbolically, the realization of all the love and the passion I have in my job.

I put a lot of hearts to imagine all these models, they are exactly as I like them: female, sophisticated and filled with details.

At each realization you will learn new sewing techniques and will taste the simple happiness to sew your clothes yourself.

Do not hesitate to share your achievements on social networks and identify me (@cha_coud)! "